Giving "Help" Is Not Always Helpful

Have you ever been in the position of receiving help or donations from family, friends, and even strangers? It is a humbling experience to say the least, and even uncomfortable for most. It can make you feel loved and cared for like you never experienced before, yet indebted for all you have received.

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Out In The Open

It took a couple of months for my Aunt Robin to come to grips with how to share with the world that she has a rare life threatening she felt ready. It is difficult for most people to process the thoughts and emotions that rush through your body when you are told you have cancer...and especially when you learn that it is a rare, mostly incurable one.

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Facing The Unknown

Many women dread their yearly mammogram; if not for the sheer fact that their breasts get flattened like a pancake, certainly for the possibility that they may receive bad news or "the call back" for further testing.

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Today Is Precious

I am reminded today that there are no guarantees for a tomorrow. Being close to people who are fighting a life threatening illness is a sad, yet a refreshing reminder of the importance of being grateful for today. Sick people do not want to be pitied, they want to be seen as whole. I listen intently to their fears and concerns, realizing that it is often only my ears and heart-felt empathy that they need. Sometimes they need practical help with navigating their medical care, family dynamics, and personal disappointments. Nobody needs the same thing, therefore, we must listen...we must observe...and only then shall we answer the question, "How can I help?"

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Bling Awakening

After fourteen long years, I have finally competed mine and Jeff's book, Blind Awakening. I am currently in search for just the right agent who will help me share it with the world. I am excited to memorialize my brother's unique journey with cancer and blindness, and to share how he changed my life forever.

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